There was another Open Up rally around the Capitol Square on Friday. It was a big one. Even the president set a two week downward trend guideline
And these were his people
This was his base
They brought out the big guns by invoking the Constitution while taking selfies
And misappropriating religion
As a devout lapsed Catholic I found it offensive
Sister Gertrude, who pelted us with chalkboard erasers and sometimes candy, would not approve
And she'd have straightened out these little pr*cks while getting them ready for First Holy Communion by May
And of course they literally brought out the big guns. But whether you listen to Alex Jones or John Oliver
You should really watch this if you're sick of alphabatizing paper goods and cans of ravioli
Whether you use the words "Safety" and "Nazis" in the same sentence
Or whether you think our governor is being too cautious or not cautious enough
Even if you don't care about your safety
Or the safety of your children
Or the safety of your children's children
Or haven't been infected (yet)
Whether you're sitting in your monster SUV while sending your daughters out in this insanity to make a buck
Or hiding behind the flag and wearing it as a cape
Or some kind of harem mask
Calling a global pandemic a conspiracy and thinking you're impervious
While ignoring sane voices of authority and reason
Will not get you back to work or your kids back to school any sooner
And we'll be dancing this dance a lot longer