I love it when I come across anything Norge, it helps me get in touch with my alleged roots.
Apologies for not being as social on my media as I'd like. I enrolled in an old lady boot camp and boy are my arms tired.
Speaking of barely a joke...
Ole and Lena's Information, Communication and Education Station at Eplegaarden |
Here are some Ole & Lena jokes culled from da Internet (do we still capitalize that).
The Gold Scales
Ole and Lena ran a successful dairy farm. The sign over their barn read, "All dat we are we owe to udders." (Boom, also doubles as a cow joke.)
Ole and Lena are watching a funeral procession and Lena asks, "Ole who da ya tink died?"
Ole says, "I tink it was da guy in da coffin."
Uff da!
Ole and Lena go ice fishing and Ole shows off his new thermos.
Lena says, "Watcha got der, Ole?"
Ole says, "Well, dis here's a t'ermos, it keeps hot tings hot and cold tings cold."
A few hours later Lena askes, "Ole, watcha got in da t'ermos?"
Ole says, "Vell Lena, I got a popsicle and two cups a coffee."
And now it's time ta link up yer photos an' da cheesier, da better doncha know.
Ya, it's time ta SAY CHEESE!