It doesn't seem possible but we lost Bob on Saturday. Bob and I had a lot in common, mostly that we didn't like many people but we did like each other.
Bobby Boy made me think of the Moe Szyslak quote, "I'm a well-wisher in that I don't wish you any specific harm." He could be a real demon seed but that made it all the more special when he let you into his world, one that I picture looking like the
Upside Down.
The photo-ready Teddy was originally called, "Bob" because his black and white head could be seen bobbing in the field on nature walks. That soon gave way to "Bob No" (
his Facebook name) for obvious reasons.
His one-man roll call included Bob Barker, Handsome Bob, Mr. French, Roberto Clementi (his actual last name), Rat Boy #1, Big Rat and Crabby Pants (his park name). He was the elder of the two Rat Boy Brothers.
A daddy's boy, dandy and only child until he-who-shall-not-be-named came along, Bob knew what he liked and liked what he knew, another thing we had in common.
How he put up with me I'll never know, but the postseason will be all the poorer without him.
The car still smells like you and it feels as if you're right there beside me (which you shouldn't be, get back in your seat, Stank Breath).
It meant a lot to me that you let me into your funny, fuzzy, fractured, frazzled world.
Thank you for letting me in, boy, shhh, now everything's okay.