Sunday, February 23, 2020

Say Cheese! Old St. Paddy's Photos

Things have been crazier than usual around here so I'm hitting the photo archives again.

Andy, My Mother (95 in July), Dad (we lost him two years before Andy) and Sister (Andy's mom, had a birthday Saturday)

 My sister loves that sort of ants building a pyramid crazy, I do not.

Aunt Em and Elaine

We refer to this as the time it was so warm our fair Irish skin needed sun block and Elaine kept walking around the square so I had to go fetch her.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Countdown To St. Paddy's

We Dempsey Olsons love St. Paddy's  and do the whole parade thing every year. That's the Dempsey Clan in the new banner.

Aunt Ginny with my beloved Terminator Boy, Andy

We lost Aunt Ginny a few years ago. She dyed her hair orange and wore flowers and Kelly green until she left us at age 96. One of the last things she was talking about was Irish dancing.

We lost Andy two years before that. This is my favorite picture of them and one of my favorite photos period. The contrast in body types always cracked me up.
I'll continue to celebrate the days leading up to the parade, but my life is so much emptier without them.
This got a little sad, but these were two of the funniest (Andy by intention) people I knew. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Say Cheese! Diner Afficianados

I went out with a poor little rich boy who told me my idea of a good restaurant began and ended with diners. He wasn't wrong.

The Broadway Diner in Boo

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Wednesday Howl

My young cousin, Bug, came upstairs to leave after everyone else. This is what happened when he put on his jacket.

He sent Oliver's mom a text saying, "Fix your dog."

I had to add this photo taken just after the video. We estimated Oliver was alone for maybe five minutes before I picked him up for an afternoon jaunt.

Where's my Evian?

Monday, February 10, 2020

Say Cheese! Skinny Sailor

I made a valentine photo for my mother from one of dad's old navy pics (the actual navy not the store). He was so skinny before he met her.
I think this would make a good before picture on an Italian cookbook. I say this because my mother is a second generation Italian with a self published cookbook.The illustration next to "husband tested recipes" is hilarious, I'll have to share it and some recipes.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Say Cheese! You Gassy Boston You

This is Roscoe's companion, Sassy, aka Farty McBeezer. She was the strongest little dog I knew and a constant source of amusement. She's why I always thought of Boston Terriers as the clowns of the dog world.

I once found a treat that supposedly made dog farts smell like chocolate. I couldn't find it today but No Toot for dogs sounds promising and hilarious and there's this for people (and this one too which is from a site that reminds me of our childhood prank store called, "The Moon Fun Shop").

Because every Monday needs a little Broadway.

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Big Rope Little Dog

It's been a tough week so I'll leave you with a few more phone pics. This rope smells like you and you belong to me therefore ...