Monday, February 10, 2020

Say Cheese! Skinny Sailor

I made a valentine photo for my mother from one of dad's old navy pics (the actual navy not the store). He was so skinny before he met her.
I think this would make a good before picture on an Italian cookbook. I say this because my mother is a second generation Italian with a self published cookbook.The illustration next to "husband tested recipes" is hilarious, I'll have to share it and some recipes.


  1. It would make a good picture any place, any time. He was a handsome young man. My dad also served in the Navy.

    1. My dad was practically grabbed out of the classroom his senior year in high school to fight in WWII so he's pretty much in his prime in this photo. Wouldn't it be something if our dads served together?

  2. And handsome too. What a great shot.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

    1. He was pretty cute but so skinny. My mother really fattened him up.

  3. Replies
    1. I have no idea who took it, Brian, but it took a lot of fixing up.

  4. You have a good-looking dad....the before and after idea is a good one. I live in a little town that has a lot of Italians in it...

    1. He was cute, my sister and two of my nephews look like him, all Irish and full of mischief. I tried to make the background look like it was underwater for a naval theme, you can kind of tell by looking at the trees.

  5. What a nice photo I love looking through old pics of my mum and dad and family

    Have a nostalgictastic week :-)

    1. I saw the greatest photo from WII London on Facebook, should try to track it down.

  6. Such an handsome fellow!! Really think your mom will enjoy this! Have a wonderful day!

  7. Hello,
    Your Dad is a handsome man..Love the photo. Have a great day!

  8. You're a wonderful daughter, Jeanna. Your mom is going to so surprised and all tears and smiles. I know I would. :-)

    1. Yes (ha), maybe, probably not and definitely not. However, the video of Oliver howling will probably make her laugh and possibly tear up. I love how optimistic you are about people, Susie.

  9. Wow, what a lovely wonderful idea. Thank you for sharing. Happy Valentine for you, too.

  10. Your Dad looks so young in this photo! My Dad was Army, served both WWII and Korea. I'd love to see your Mother's cookbook! My husband was born in Italy and came to the US as a child with his family. I learned to cook Italian for him, and love Italian cuisine.

  11. That sounds like a great idea! Yesterday, my husband told our 11-year-old daughter, Amanda, that I was just 10 years old when he was conscripted into the South African Army. In those days, 2 years of service was the law. We're 9 years apart. ;)

    1. Hi Tina, I haven't been able to leave a comment on your blog but somehow stumbled onto it today so cool. Really, that's funny even though nine years isn't all that much, but didn't know that about South Africa. So it's no longer mandatory and was it for both men and women?

  12. No creativity lacking with you! Weren't we all much skinnier in our twenties?? Sorry I had to miss last time, packing boxes:)

    1. I wonder about that creativity thing these days, J. but I have managed to frame a few illustrations by my favorite artist, Sam Toft and am working on two more, kid art pieces by my cousin and nephew.
      Oh yeah there was a lot less of all of us back then, lol.
      I'm not sure my dad was even 20 yet since they yanked him right out of high school, he wasn't even able to graduate with his class. And I believe he lied about his age too, probably to get into bars. I have an old fake ID of his somewhere around here.
      Are you moving?

    2. Am expecting to move - it's time. Hubs does nothing else than work to keep up the property, and there should be more to life than that! now in response to finding more time, also about linking to All Seasons - I can tell you are creative, because you have set your expectations too high -
      You are overthinking it - you can use the same pic and same story as for Say cheese (can't remember if you can copy a post on blogspot) - only, put it in another post than Say Cheese (without the linkup tool), than it's not an ad.! Done:)

    3. I hear you, why would you want to spend so much time keeping up the property when there's so much else to do, I never have and I'd expect it gets old at some point for many reasons.
      My cousins who are in their 70s just moved to a place which has taken months to get in basic order and they haven't even started on all the work the land will require.T hey still don't know where all the pots and pans are, lol.
      Do you know where you're going to move? Ever considered moving to the Badger state, you're already used to the snow.

  13. what a great pic and story to go with. I think all the young men were quite skinny, so young and new.

    1. Yeah, LA, so new is right. Can't imagine being alive during that time.

  14. That was a sweet idea for your mom.

  15. I had to giggle--I read an article the other day that said happily married couples gain weight together, so we must be really happy!!

    I'm so glad to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

    1. Well you're living in paradise so why not enjoy food as it's supposed to be enjoyed too, Betty.

  16. Lovely shot! And great idea! LOL.

    1. Thanks, Fi, supposedly getting more snow, will send snowy thoughts your way.

  17. Wow! That's a very nice photo of your handsome Dad! Your mom must have been a great cook to have encouraged him to have put on weight, as all Dads do, a some point or the other! :) That's a cute story. Thank you for sharing it with us today.
    Happy #wordlesswednesday and a fab rest of the week.

  18. That's a handsome Naval officer 😎
    I am sure your mom will love this Valentine gift
    Please do share the "husband tested illustration" 😍

  19. Such a cool pic. What a lovely Valentine's Day gift. Thank him for his service.

    1. We lost him a few years back, Pat, but I think of him all the time so it's like he's here in a way. I still haven't gone through all of his things but did come across a love letter sent to him when he was a sailor.

  20. Lovely idea for a Valentine's Day gift. Your dad looked dashing in his uniform. Most of us used to be a lot thinner in our younger years. ☺ thanks for hosting this link party.

  21. My Mama was second generation Sicilian. I would love to see one of your mom's recipes to compare. I'm sure it's the same or better. My NaNa was the best cook ever in our family although my Aunt Tillie was really good too. My mom's family had six children & all had their chores. One helped with the children (my mom & the oldest) & My Aunt Tillie helped with the cooking so that could be why she was such a great cook too. My Aunt Nina helped with house cleaning & the youngest girl was just spoiled in my opinion. hahaha The 2 boys helped Pa with whatever & Uncle Frank played the accordian, cordovox & sax. If my mom was still alive I would do the same thing as you did for her. That's a wonderful idea. My daughter gave me a locket for Christmas with my parents in it this year. It's beautiful. Well, have a wonderful day. Your post was very uplifting for me. Thanks. Have a wonderful day. Very nice to meet you.

    1. My mother is second generation Napoletan (they pronounced the "t" like a "d"). I can pick out some recipes and maybe toss in a few illustrations which are pretty basic but kind of funny. Did you have big holiday family dinners? We had some doozies, still don't know how all those crazy Italians were packed into one house without major incidents.
      We all had chores too, although I'm not sure the boys had as many unless it involved something like a lawnmower or gasoline or a gasoline powered lawn mower.
      My best friend's dad loved the aaccordian and tried to get her to play it which was hilarious as she was just a slip of a thing. And my mother loved the violin and tried to get me to play it (this went on for several years) which might have been just as funny except not to me.
      I hope you're enjoying your week and your locket, Dolly. An aunt we lost a few years ago called me, "Dolly" as a pet name.

  22. My Dad served in the Army Air Force and was also a "string bean" (like they called tall, thin men in those days). What a wonderful Valentine's Day photo memory for your Mom. I bet she will treasure it so.


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