Sunday, May 31, 2020

Walking On Broken Glass

Don't you wish it were 1992 again?

There were 75 businesses damaged in last night's riot.

It's almost art which is weird because I think this is the Overture Center art gallery window

The responsible tried to clean up the destruction of the irresponsible.

A local restaurant supplied gourmet breakfast burritos to the multitude of volunteers who swept up glass and washed off graffiti.

And most of them were wearing masks.

Pajamas and a cigarette

Not these three though #killinggrandma

I heard they started cleaning up late last night after "chemical agents" were used. I know that things were cleaned, swept up and boarded before 8 am.

The young lady looking at herself in the window saddens me, the young lady not wearing a mask worries me

I read that someone jacked a police car while it was on fire, then rolled it into an intersection. You could hear bullets inside the car exploding while the looters got away with two rifles. 

Even Bucky Badger looks concerned

My cousin Ricky says this altruist young woman is wearing the city of Madison flag. I believe he's right, he usually is. She was also handing out donuts and channeling Captain Marvel (the Brie Larson one).

I saw parents and grandparents leading by example. It gave me hope for us and the future

Ricky also said, "There was a guy in a yellow shirt picking up during the whole debacle."

This is not what you want to see when you come in to work. This is not what you want to see ever. I guess vandals like sunglasses. #sunglassesatnight

Note: I decided to suspend Say Cheese!
Another Note: That last shot is classic Stink Eye

Friday, May 29, 2020

Looking For Mayberry

I had a particularly hard time watching the news today.

I wanted a picture of this kid looking all Mayberry RFD, but I only got a rear view mirror shot

Sometimes you've got to let it go, have a bowl of cereal and watch Andy Griffith.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Keep 'er Movin'

It's been the kind of week I didn't think I could get through so I'm thankful it's Thursday and I'm still moving.

"I got your 'Keep 'er movin' right here."

I borrowed the title from a fellow Ched named Charlie Berens. If you don't know him or the Manitowoc Minute then you're not from around here, are ya?

Would a guy who cares so deeply about the well being of Janice the Donut Damsel sue me? Gosh darn I hope not. I may have a little crush.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Wash, Rinse and Repeat

I went to the Sauk dam last week.

"I'm not impressed."

I think so many people call it the Sauk dam because they never know if they're in Sauk City, Sauk Praire or Prairie du Sac.

"Cold, cold, cold."

I only know if I'm in Prairie du Chien, my favorite place to spot timber rattlers

I kept thinking of the George Costanza scene, "The sea was angry that day, my friends."

It was a glorious day outside and except for a narrow path cha cha cha, easy to social distance.

"Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli."

I went kayaking here with an outdoor group last century. I spent most of my time getting dumped out of my kayak and into the water. The best words to describe my attempt at class III rapids are wash, rinse and repeat.

"What is that, a Titleist?"

Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day

We had a few surprises on the start of our Corona Summer yesterday. Okay, Memorial Day is the unofficial official start. Are you dusting off your white pants and grilling brats from a safe distance today? A brat is short for bratwurst, a delicious sausage consumed in mass quantities here in Wisconsin, not a naughty kid.

We used to live with my cousin and her family in one big Italian house

The first surprise was lots of sunshine following all the rain.

I love her Memorial Day outfit

And the second was a COVID Visit (COVISIT) from my cousin, Rita. She was done with chemo for the time being and having a good day. 

My mother with her sunglasses and the mandatory tissue up her sleeve

My mother and I road tripped from her living room to her balcony and had a lovely visit ❤️.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Somewhere between will i am and Sam-I-Am I met Jackie I AM, a talented and colorful high school pal. Her favorite word was discombobulated and that's how I've felt this week.

"That doesn't seem right."

Then yesterday I visited a few of my favorite spots on a glorious day full of sunshine.

Yes, there are pelicans in Wisconsin (this photo doesn't show it, but there was plenty of sunshine too)

And now I'm hungry for fish.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Pancho & Lefty

This haunting classic by Townes Van Zandt inspired a Tex Mex place in a small town south of here. I hope to visit them when it's safe, whenever that may be.

Does anyone else feel as if they're wearing their skin like iron? 

I understand the hearts which I'm guessing were added during the pandemic, but I have to ask, "Why the mermaid?"

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Hey Johnny Say Cheese! Link Up

I love street photography and don't do nearly enough of it. Here's one of my favorites from last week. It could be sharper, but love the 'tude.

"Hey, Johnny, what are you rebelling against?"

I tried to get people on Facebook to answer with the famous quote below.

I failed. But a friend did use an Oingo Boingo reference which is another kind of cool.

Whether you're only a lad or a wild one, why not roll up and SAY CHEESE! 

Monday, May 4, 2020

A Few Highlights From My Birthday Say Cheese!

It took over five-and-a-half hours to find the thing I was looking for yesterday.

This wasn't it but I could barely tear myself away from this place

The weather was gorgeous and finding a covered bridge I'd been thinking about was almost beside the point.

The Green County Courthouse sent waves of chamber music around the square

The historic town square in Monroe overflowed with classical music while wise ass kids lobbed back blasts of hip hop from open car windows. I wasn't even in the right city to find the bridge I wanted to see, but it was fascinating.

Younger kids were on scooters and skateboards, making it look like Mayberry in the time of the Virus.

When I finally found the Clarence Covered Bridge (the thing I'd been looking for) I'd seen a rushing dam, a reopened state park with playgrounds wrapped up like crime scenes, masks sold like roadside vegetables, and a town square playing speaker wars (a country western station was also in the mix).

I'm exhausted and on my last nerve after a day of installation guys hammering next door and doing whatever it was that sounded like an earthquake, so I'm going to sign off and save a few photos for another post.
And besides, it's time to turn the dial up to 11 and SAY CHEESE!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Sometimes It Is Black & White

One of these rallies is happening in California right now. They treated it like a big party here in Wisconsin last week. They clustered and bragged about shaking hands like Boris Johnson. Don't they watch the news? There were guns and kids and dogs and Trump gear and lots of posturing and alt right money.

There were very few voices of reason.

She's covering her ears because the honking was deafening and relentless
There was lots of honking.

Thinks she's tailgating and hopes they light up the grill real soon

Wants to know when Soldier of Fortune went all soft

Photo Credit Jay Rath

They want you to honk for them as if they're heroes, they aren't.

Linking up with The Weekend in Black and White

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Big Rope Little Dog

It's been a tough week so I'll leave you with a few more phone pics. This rope smells like you and you belong to me therefore ...