Sunday, February 25, 2018

Trail Map

My mother didn't feel like going out today so we sat around and snacked and gossiped while I played with my new pocket camera. I've had no luck taking photos lately and was complaining that the harsh light coming from her porch would ruin the shot. Turns out this is the only photo from today's batch I liked.

Taken with the new pocket PNS, I'm guessing my mother would not appreciate this shot

The other sign says This Is Not A Trail (Taken with the new Canon, it's a less sucky photo from today's Photo Suck Fest)


  1. Your mom is a beautiful lady!
    How many devices do you have? :) LOL

  2. my lot complain all the time about the photos I take, yet when we've lost family members they've all been grateful I've taken so many photos and had so many memories to share

    1. Yes they do the same here and that is truer than I'd care to get into, ChickenR.

  3. I think both photographs are great. Your mom is indeed beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. That's very nice of you, Sandee, most people think I look just liker her so thanks, lol (;

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, she'd be livid if she knew, tee hee.

  5. I liked both too I liked your mum one it's so natural if anyone takes one of me I automatically pull a terrible face LOL

    Have a posetastic week :-)

    1. She didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't expect it to turn out so win win, Stevie.

  6. Many, no make it most, of my photos are sucky if I showed them as is. My saving grace is my old Photoshop app where I can crop, enlarge, balance out colors and light, and apply art filters. I think both of your photos are cool. I like the contrast of textures between the trees and the sign. I could see cropping your mom's photo so it's a close up on her and that statue next to her. The magic of editing. :-) Your mom is trés cute, by the way.

    1. You're right but I don't have the regular PS anymore and try to get by on Elements. I usually have to at least resize my photos but felt I was beating my head against the wall the last few weeks.
      The cropping is interesting as I read someone say you should keep the aspect ratio which doesn't always suit my needs. It's crazy frustrating when your new camera doesn't cough up the kind of photos you envision. Blech, I'm hoping to take a day trip tomorrow and sort it out. She is pretty fit for her age, Susie.

    2. I have a very old version of PS. If I ever upgrade my computer, I don't know whether I'd spend for a PS upgrade. I've been known to crop, enlarge the cropping, then crop/enlarge/crop/etc. some more until I get what I want. Sometimes I can get by with then sharpening/unsharpening the scene.

    3. That's kind of what happened to me, Susie and I settled for Elements. There are some features I miss but I'm trying to lay off the cropping for the most part except to straighten and I'm doing that in the default Mac program. I feel bad I'm not using the layers because it would probably serve me well.

  7. Playing with your new toy, eh? Yeah I also have some family members who do not like to be photographed! Your mom may not like it, but your shot has just the right ambience! And outside images are often easier than inside -so you've got it made, girl. Thanks so much for sharing your experiments with All Seasons, and have a great week:)

    1. Yes, that is exactly what I'm doing, J and I called it just that on the Amazon review I just wrote. I am one of those people who hate their photo taken and my dad was the one always bugging me about it, lol.

  8. I know you have a great time with your mom! Well, love both photos..they have different stories!

    1. Thank you, Indah, we had a nice time yesterday even though we didn't do our usual Sunday drive and dinner

  9. Oh yea, Mom would whap you a good one! Hey, I like the non-trail trail tale!

    1. It was pretty much overgrown wood and water with a locked gate off to the side. No brochures to be found (:

  10. Nice picture of your mother. Wonder what the trail maps would show if they were there.

    1. I don't know, lol. The last time I skied there some old Norwegian yelled at me for not cross country skiing on the correct side of the trail but now it's locked and gated.

  11. Hello, pretty photo of your Mom. It seems weird to draw attention to a non-trail? Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

    1. She takes a much better picture than I do but is a bit camera shy. Yeah, I don't remember one in that spot in the 80s when I used to go there a lot, but that area is full of stuff they let disintegrate. There was an old lifeguard's chair in a spot that no one under 50 could imagine a beach.

  12. I agree with you, your mom is a huge awww. I linked this post to Awww Mondays. ♥

  13. Your mom looks cozy and happy .... I don't think she'd mind that shot at all (I know I'd be pleased to spend a day like that with my daughter and would love a memory picture).

    1. She was and we're having some mild days to get her out to make up for it. I don't know, if she thinks it's flattering she might be okay with it but I don't think she'd like the fact she's in her nighty! I hope you have a nice day like that with a photo to match, Sallie.

  14. I wish I would've taken more pictures of my mum & dad that's for sure! Sillier the better! We had such a wonderful family life too! sigh! Oh well, thanks for sharing yours! Was your mom a short lady? She reminds me of my mom except mine had black hair with a mixture of grey, but she died it too ~ hehehe~ & so did my gram for that matter! Love her place too! Everything there is just enough.. not to cluttered, but yet sweet! Memories are wonderful, aren't they? Thank you so much for sharing your mom with us! Have a wonderful mommy day! HUGS

    1. I wish that too, it's never really enough, Dolly. She was pretty tall, shrinking in size as she gets older, I'm thinking 5'6 or 5'7. My mother suddenly stopped dying her hair and it was pretty weird but over the years we all got used to it, she was also had black hair. Oh no, clutter is my mother's enemy, always has been!

  15. I have the same couch as your mom! :)

  16. I love the shot of your mum, beautiful light! Thank you for linking up to #pointshoot 📷 #PointShoot 📸

    1. I did like the light on that one and it happens to be the cheap pns, SM.

  17. Your mom has personality, which shows in the photo!

  18. You don't know the half of it, Sharon.

  19. Lovely shot of our mum! xo #pointshoot xo


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